


Awards Ceremony Invitation


Congradulations to the following cadets on their recent academic achievement!! These Honor Roll, Super Honor Roll, and Principals List cadets will be honored at the Ceremony for all students later on.
Principal's List
- C/LTC Aimee Burnett
- C/Alondra Govea
- C/CPT Gabriela Jimenez
- C/MAJ Rachel Spivey
- C/1LT Brittney Morris
Super Honor Roll
- C/2LT Krystal Allen
- C/SSG Christropher Butler
- C/MAJ Ashley Davis
- C/CPT Deanna Phillip
Honor Roll
- C/2LT Kimalya Clunis
- C/ Jasmine Bailey
- C/ SGT Yo Lee
- C/SGT Bintou Kunjo
- C/2LT Jasma Williams
- C/SSG Olicia Williams

April 12, 2008 - Cadets from JROTC and in collaboration students from the Aviation Tech course at Creekside High School join together to participate in a Field Trip to Tuskegee, AL.
The cadets and students first visited the Tuskegee National Historic Site of the National Park Association, and viewed a 15 minute movie on the Tuskegee Airmen while also competing in a Tuskegee Airmen Scavenger Hunt to see who is most knowledgeable on the Tuskegee Airmen.
Also visited was the Booker T. Washington Museum on the Insitute Campus with many historic figures and information viewed.
They finally visited Tuskegee University's Army ROTC Tiger Battalion, meeting with the Tiger Battalion Leadership and also the Senior Military Instructor for the Tiger Battalion. The battalion leadership actively engaged in a conversation on the benifits of Army ROTC and courses at Tuskegee Institute. The students and cadets then viewed a live rope bridge presentation by Tuskegee's Cadets.



April 1, 2008 - Creekside's Seminole Battalion JROTC Cadets were cordially invited to the Fulton County Board of Education meeting at the Fulton County Administrative Center in Atlanta, GA.
The cadets were honored and recognized by the Board of Education and new Superintendent Dr. Cindy Loe. For winning First Place in the State Technology Fair in the Multimedia Category, Cadet Major Sankar and Cadet First Lieutenant Weaver received a recognition certificate.
This is a big accomplishment of the 07-08 SY and we wish our cadets to be at the Board Meeting next year representing the Seminole Battalion!!!


March 1, 2008 - Approximately 60 Cadets from the Creekside High School Seminole Battalion Participate in the Area III Drill / Color Guard Competition held at Westlake High School.
The Seminole Battalion placed in approximately 5 events. The events we placed in were as follows:
- Male-Mix Regulation Armed Platoon; 2nd
- Female Regulation Armed Platoon; 2nd
- Male-Mix Regulation Unarmed Platoon; 3rd
- Female Regulation Unarmed Platoon; 1st
- Female Color Guard; 1st
We commend the cadets of the Seminole Battalion including the commanders and members of platoon's, squad's, and Color Guard for their excellent effort put forth in this competition.
The events we placed in therefore states that we will compete in the Georgia State Competition held in Fort Gordon, in Augusta, Georgia on March 22, 2008. Great Job Cadets and we know you will represent us well in State and the Eastern Region competition on the 29th of March 2008.

March 8, 2008 -
Creekside Cadets enter in the Georgia State Technology Fair held in Cumming, Georgia. C/CPT Zachary Sankar and C/1LT Rodney Weaver entered in the Multimedia category and win 1st place!!!!!
The cadets competed against multiple tough competitors at State and fought their way to a hard earned 1st place victory. This marks 3rd in a row for Creekside JROTC!!! Great job C/CPT Sankar and C/1LT Weaver and we are routing for you next year!!
- The two cadets would like to recognize their following supporters: 
LTC Hill, C/LTC Aimee Burnett, C/LTC Thalia Buenrostro, C/MAJ Rachel Spivey, C/CPT Ashley Davis, and C/1LT Christian Robinson.
They would also like to recognize:
Dr. Michael Robinson, Mrs. Rucker-Lott, Mrs. Cristal Jones, Coach Bracco, Umar Aslam, and Kwamae McPherson. We thank many others for their help and support, we hope to see you cadets winning next year!!!


February 9, 2008 - Creekside Cadets achieve success in the Fulton County Technology Fair!!! 1st place for Multimedia is C/CPT Z. Sankar and C/1LT R. Weaver; 2nd place for Web Design is C/LTC A. Burnett!!
This means that C/CPT Z. Sankar and C/1LT R. Weaver will be able to enter the Georgia State Technology Fair held in Cumming, GA on March 8, 2008! Great job cadets and good luck in state! *Special Thanks to C/LTC A. Burnett and LTC Hill for their continuous motivation throughout the competition!!*

C/1LT R. Weaver (far left) and C/CPT Z. Sankar (far right)

January 11,  2008 - Creekside Selects 3 Cadets to enter into the local technology fair here at Creekside HS representing JROTC. C/MAJ Aimee Burnett entered in Web Design, and C/CPT Zachary Sankar & C/1LT Rodney Weaver entered in Multimedia.
1st place in Web Design with a 92/92 is C/MAJ Burnett!! 1st place in Multimedia with 73/76 is C/CPT Sankar and C/1LT Weaver!!!! This victory means the cadets will go on to compete in the Fulton County Technology Fair for a chance to go to state. Good job cadets and good luck on future achievements!!


 Formal Inspection Notice - January 22, 2008

